1st Maine Cavalry


Loudoun County VA
October 8-11, 2010

(click on thumbnail image to see full size picture)
Photos from Ken Doyon

Saturday Morning Grazing.

First formation.
Front R-L: Bunker, Larry R, Dave P
Rear: Matt R, Mike P, Chuck M, Joe B, Andrew S

First formation.
L-R: Bill B, Steve P, John C, Andrew S, Dave P
Joe B, Chuck M, Larry R, Mike P, Matt R

Andy leads the column on foot.

1st Sgt Todd leads the second section
with the infantry following.

Lunch stop at Unison Farm.

The guideon at Unison Farm.

Horse holders during dismounted drill..

L-R: Sgt Dave M, Caleb H, Nick D.

L-R: Chuck M, Larry R, Matt R.

Sgt Bunker watches the platoon mount.

1st Sgt Todd.

Cpt Craig & Andy G.

Caleb ponders a canteen strap.

Saturday's camp at Fiddler's Green.

3 corporals
L-R:Andy G, Ken D (bugler), Nick D.

Drilling Sunday morning.

Drilling Sunday morning.

Riding through Unison back to Philomont.

On the road to Philomont.

Cpl Ken D ~ Bugler.

